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The Italian Foundation for Business ReportingSustainability, Non-Financial and Integrated Reporting (O.I.B.R.) is the dedicated body in Italy to issues related to the reporting and disclosure of information and measures (KPIs) related to sustainability / ESG / climate change, non-financial reporting, intangibles and intellectual capital, and integrated reporting and governance (“integrated thinking”).


The O.I.B.R. is a legally recognised non-profit Foundation and is a market-led organization, operating in the public interest, which deals with the elaboration and dissemination of guidelines, studies and research, principles and standards with a technical-operational nature with reference to the issues mentioned above.


The Foundation is officially supported and recognized by the following international bodies: International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI), Sustainability Accounting Standards Board (SASB). It also represents the Italian jurisdiction of the WICI Global Network.

Furthermore, the O.I.B.R. Foundation is the only Italian member of the <IR> Council of the Value Reporting Foundation.


The main activities of O.I.B.R. Foundation are:

  • Provide Italy with a common meeting point and working platform;
  • Represent a significant Italian voice in the global debate;
  • Promote a new culture of reporting, transparency and governance in Italy and internationally;
  • Develop and release local guidelines and standards;
  • Conduct studies on topics that are felt as relevant by the Italian stakeholders;
  • Organize multi-stakeholder working groups;
  • Respond to, and engage with, national and international consultations.

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