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The O.I.B.R. Foundation deals with the elaboration and dissemination of guidelines, studies and research, principles and standards with a technical and practical orientation, in relation to business reporting, non-financial statements, sustainability and integrated reporting, TCFD indications, principally targeted to the Italian context. It mainly operates through working groups dedicated to the issues that are considered as most relevant by stakeholders. O.I.B.R. aims to be at the same time the common meeting point and the platform for Italian stakeholders and the Italian voice in the international debate.

O.I.B.R. is a legally recognized Foundation and is a market-led organization open to all the Italian stakeholders, inspired by an inclusive approach, and with an articulated governance able to guarantee all the interests at stake. It is a non-profit entity, with no commercial engagement, and that operates only in the public interest.

O.I.B.R. leverages on an international support by key-players such as International Integrated Reporting Council (IIRC), Global Reporting Initiative (GRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD). It will also officially represent the WICI Global Network in Italy.
Furthermore, the O.I.B.R. Foundation is the only Italian member of the <IR> Council of the Value Reporting Foundation.

Appointments 2023-2026


ALESSANDRO LAI (Professor of Business Economics, University Of Verona) (Chair of the O.I.B.R. Management Board andFoundation)

MICHELE PIZZO (Professor of Business Economics, University of Campania, Chair of the Italian Academy of Business Economics, and Chair Board of Directors, OIC Italian Accounting Body) (VICE-CHAIR of the O.I.B.R. Management Board and Foundation)

MARA BUCCIARELLI (Head Of Risk Management and Integrated Reporting, Poste Italiane)

SANDRO CATANI (Independent Director; of Counsel, Andersen Italia; Chair, Board of Wise Men, Nedcommunity)

ELBANO DE NUCCIO (Chair, National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts)

VITTORIO DELL’ATTI (Professor of Business Economics, University of Bari)

DAVIDE MAGGI (Statutory Auditor, Cdp, and Member of The Board of Directors, CARIPLO Foundation)

MARINA MIGLIORATO (Member of The Board of Illy, and Business Consultant)

MATTEO PEDRINI (Professor of Corporate Strategy and Altis School, Catholic University of Milan)


MARIA LUISA PARMIGIANI((Chair, Sustainability Makers, and Head of Sustainability, Unipol)) (CHAIR)

GIAN LUCA GALLETTI (Delegated Councilor for Sustainability, National Council of Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts, and Chair, Emil Banca Credito Cooperativo) (VICE-CHAIR)

FRANCESCO CATALDI (Councilor, UNGDCEC National Union of Young Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts)

UGO CHIESA (Councillor, Assocontroller)


ISABELLA CRISTINA (Capellino Foundation and Mixura Srl)

MARCO FREY (President, Italian Global Compact Network Foundation)

ANDREA LIONZO (Full Professor of Business Economics, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart of Milan)

STEFANO MARASCA (President SIDREA-Italian Society of Accounting and Business Economics Professors, and Professor Politechnic University of Marche)

ANDREA PANIZZA(President, Italian Association Of Business Reorganization Professionals)

MARCO PASQUOTTI (President, Italian CFO Association–Northeast Area)

BEATRICE SERVADIO (President, Associate Controllers)

ELENA SHNEIWER (Head of Sustainability and Artistic Heritage, Cassa Depositi e Prestiti)

SARA TEGLIA (Coordinator, Impronta Etica Association)

GIOVANNA ZACCHI (Sustainability Manager, BPER Group)


LINO CINQUINI (Professor of Business Economics, Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies in Pisa) (CHAIR)

MARIA SERENA CHIUCCHI (Professor Of Business Economics, Politechnic University Of Marche) (VICE-CHAIR)

GIULIANA BIRINDELLI (Professor of Economics of Financial Intermediaries, University of Ferrara)

ANDREA DI SEGNI (Managing Partner, Morrow Sodali Italy)


DAVIDE MARININI(General Director,  Mercurio GP Srl)

VERA PALEA (Associate Professor Of Business Economics, University Of Turin)

SARA PELUCCHI (President, Study Commission on Sustainability, UNGDCEC National Union of Young Chartered Accountants and Accounting Experts)

VINCENZO PROTA (Administration, Control and Sustainability, Etica Sgr)

FABIOLA RICCARDINI (Head of Businesses and Sustainable Development and Wellbeing Studies, ISTAT)

RICCARDO STACCHEZZINI (Professor of Business Economics, University of Verona)



DrSIMONA BONOMELLI(President, Association of Chartered Accountants of Bergamo) (CHAIR)

DrGIORGIO CRIVELLARI(Association of Chartered Accountants of Ferrara)

Prof. MARCO GIULIANI (Association of Chartered Accountants of Ancona)


Dr GIOVANNI BORGHINI (Association of Chartered Accountants of Verona)

DrMARIELLA COLANTONI (Association of Chartered Accountants of Verona)


Prof. STEFANO ZAMBON (Professor of Business Economics, University of Ferrara)



LAURA GIRELLA (IFRS Foundation, Professor of Business Economics, University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)